Tuesday, 12 November 2024 00:00 |
Quo Vadis IFF: Photos from ceremony. Information about Special Trophy of the festival Quo Vadis
Place: Iasi, Romania Dates: 07-10.11.2024
The Archdiocese of Iasi in Romania together with other institutional partners is organizing the first edition of the International Film Festival “Quo vadis?” from 7th to 10th of November 2024.
Aim in this festival is to cultivate the spiritual and cultural heritage of Christianity through film. The festival is a good means of highlighting the transformative capacity of film, its ability to reflect human experience through the lens of Christian spirituality, while encouraging dialogue and communion within the community and beyond. Organizers also want the festival to inspire people to rediscover their original vocation and dignity and to behave in a way that is congruent with them in their relationships with other members of society, promoting values such as faith, love, hope, responsibility, discernment, compassion, forgiveness, courage and humility.
Special Trophy of the festival Quo Vadis
The International Film Festival "Quo Vadis" began at the National Athenaeum in Iași, where the special trophy of the festival, created by sculptor Emanuel Chiriac, was unveiled. Inspired by Christian symbols, the trophy represents a young man holding a fish in his hands - a symbol of faith, freedom and peace. Along with it, 15 miniature replicas will be offered to guests. Finally, the main trophy will be exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of the Archdiocese of Iași.
Film about creation of the Special Trophy of the festival Quo Vadis here
Catalin Jeckel, Cultural Advisor Archdiocese of Iasi, Producer of the Festival
Gulbara Tolomushova
Elena Dulgheru, Director of the Festival, Art-Director of the Festival
Ernest Abdyzhaparov
Special Trophy of the festival Quo Vadis
Festivalul Internațional de Film „Quo Vadis” a început la Ateneul Național din Iași, unde a fost dezvăluit trofeul special al festivalului, creat de sculptorul Emanuel Chiriac. Inspirat de simboluri creștine, trofeul reprezintă un tânăr care ține în mâini un pește – simbol al credinței, al libertății și al păcii. Alături de acesta, 15 replici miniaturale vor fi oferite invitaților. La final, trofeul principal va fi expus la Muzeul Mitropolitan al Arhiepiscopiei Iașilor.
Film about creation of the Special Trophy of the festival Quo Vadis here
Kenjebek Shaikakov