Фестивали: подача заявок

Казанский МКФ мусульманского кино продолжает приём заявок


1 февраля стартовала заявочная кампания XX Казанского международного фестиваля мусульманского кино. Сбор заявок продлится до 1 июня 2024 года. Отборочная комиссия закончит свою работу к началу июля. После будет обнародована конкурсная программа.

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Продолжается прием заявок к участию в лаборатории Development Lab проекта Alternativa Film Project до 28 апреля 2024 года


Бухара, Алматы и online, Июнь-Октябрь 2024

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“Кыргызсериал” сценарийлер сынагын жарыялайт

2025-жылга карата, төмөндөгү тематикага ылайык келген  сериалдардын сценарийлерине  сынак жарыялайт.

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09.07.2021 00:00

Almanac “Kyrgyzstan during pandemic time” (Kyrgyzstan, 2021)


Almanac “Kyrgyzstan during pandemic time” produced by young Kyrgyz film-makers with support USAID

Film anthology series 2020

Ten episodes

Inspired by real stories




Anthology Film Inspired by real stories, the TV series covers the systemic challenges in Kyrgyzstan, which became acute during 2020 - corruption in the medical system, children living without their migrant parents, domestic violence, addiction, gray drug market, distant education, and economic challenges. An artsy, cathartic reflection of pandemic events in the country.


1) “A Song of Elvira” (dir. Naizabek Sydykov, 31 min.)

After her mother dies of COVID-19, Elvira must return to her native village. Will she sacrifice her passion and dream of becoming a singer for the sake of her mother's legacy and teach music to rural children? Or will this return to her roots give her a new meaning?


2) “The Master” (dir. Naizabek Sydykov, 45 min.)

Domestic violence is not an act between two people and two people only. Violence is made possible by the active silence of society, and the roots of violence can be foundin parental relationships. Visual metaphors, the expression of vulnerability in aggression, lack of fulfillment and a single way to salvation –all of this can be found in the psychological drama about Murat.


3) “Hype” (dir. Evgeniy Chistyakov, 29 min.)

A teen urban drama about blogging ethics. Is volunteering during a pandemic just hype or a combination of “doing good” with “getting the maximum number of subscribers”? This episode is about relationships, the struggle for attention and responsibility to subscribers.


4) “Tomiris” (dir. Evgeniy Chistyakov, 31 min.)

A confrontation between aconservative school administration and avillage teacher who knows how to fix electrical appliances and develop websites. As a rule, the majority wins, but the pandemic makes its own adjustments.


5) “Aygul” (dir. Emil Atageldiev, 41 min.)

Corruption in the healthcare system during the pandemic isareality forKyrgyzstan. In addition to the "how it was," the viewer will have the opportunity to explore the "why." Medical workers’struggle for themselves, their patients and their personal dramas.


6) “Kunduz” (dir. Chingiz Narynov, 33 min.)

The subtle interweaving of the events of 2020 through the eyes of an 11-year-old girl, whose mother is working in Russia. Visualization of childhood during the pandemic, growing up through fears, non-childish decisions and bold actions.


7) “Taras” (dir. Taberik Iusupova, 55 min.)

Financial difficulties, a shortage of drugs, scalpers...A crime drama about what a son is prepared to do in order to save his mother. The episode covers the issues of dependence, separation, legality of actions and the price that will inevitably have to be paid.


8) “Just a Business” ((dir. Emil Atageldiev, 34 min.)

A story about the owners of a family restaurant business at the very beginning of the pandemic. Keeping a business afloat andfollowing the rules are incompatible tasks. Will it be possible to keep the family together while trying to prevent the inevitable?


9) “Shift” (dir. Chingiz Narynov, 46 min.)

The story of afemale volunteer. Greatbattles, and how the inner world changed in a small period of life.


10) Documentary Episode (dir. Chingiz Narynov, 27 min.)

The lives of Kyrgyz people through the eyes of thosewho told and lived their stories on screen. Directors, actors and real participants of the events of 2020 talk about what was happening behind the scenes.